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Dr. William Josephson
Senior Lecturer

Department of Chemical Engineering
Tel: 334.844.2483
Fax: 334.844.2063

Office Address
352 Ross Hall

Mailing Address
212 Ross Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849-5127

It's Great To Be An Auburn Tiger

A shot of Tiger VI, Auburn's flying mascot, in action before the Ole Miss game of 8 SEP 01

A Short Intro

    I am a full-time faculty member of Auburn’s Chemical Engineering Department. I have an equal mix of industrial and academic experience; my industrial experiences were in the pulp & paper industries. My research interests continue to be pulp & paper related. I also have an interest in the topic of engineering education: I have helped to revamp curriculums at the institutions I have been associated with and am deeply involved in teaching the use of practical methodologies to our students. I really enjoy the teaching aspects of my job and am active in assisting various Outreach efforts.

Recent Stuff
Some Stuff That Interests Me

    Go On A Tiger Hunt At one time (2000 or 2001) the city of Auburn tried to emulate cities that have a bunch of animal sculptures of a single theme; you know, like the cows that roam urban pastures. Anyway, despite Auburn's reputation as a cow college, it was decided to build tiger sculptures and make them available for various groups to customize them as they pleased. Some interesting and other not-so-interesting designs resulted and the statues were all placed in the Toomer's Corner area. All well and good until various tigers were stolen, vandalized, you get the picture. I think that there was one house of students that was caught with 5 tigers in their possession. Anyway, the powers that be decided that it would be a good idea to relocate the tigers to more secure pastures. So, if you see a tiger statue now it's likely to be in a location that's a) not easily accessible (like the roof of the high school) or b) somewhat guarded (like outside the city fire department). If you ever pay a visit to Auburn keep your eyes open and see how many of these tigers can you find?

    UPDATE - In 2009 a couple of our chemical engineering students decided to beat me at my own game; in addition to the tigers that I found they did a lot of legwork and tracked down 6 more tigers. They were even written up in a local paper. Pretty impressive, Zach and Collyn. I've stolen their photos and added them to my page.
    As of May 2010 I have pictures of at least 19 tiger statues on this web site. Eagle-eyed viewers will note 21 different pictures; one of the tigers was repainted & installed in another location. Another tiger (the Lovelace Museum one) is temporarily unavailable for public viewing but may in fact be shown in one of the other pictures.
    Further Update: yup, Eagle-Eye Karen noted that the Lovelace Museum tiger is the same as the Chamber of Commerce one. As of September 2010 I don't know if the CofC tiger has returned to its museum home.

    A Paratrooper's Faith Images of and the text from the classic "little book" given out to our nation's paratroopers

    2008 Halloween Every year our student chapter of AIChE hosts a Halloween party; I went as Anton Chigurh. The Diet Coke bottle is an inside joke referencing our Lab I experiment.

    2009 Halloween Well, this year AIChE co-hosted a Halloween Masquerade Benefit. I bought tickets but had to cancel out at the last minute. If I had gone I'm quite sure I would've won the Best Costume Award with my stunning version of a Hanson brother from the movie Slap Shot. Oh well... The picture is from our tailgate before the Ole Miss game (which actually fell on October 31st).

    Football Stadia Here's a map that shows the football stadiums I've seen college games in.

    Cause and Effect Some of the things I teach have to do with situation analysis, modelling, design of experiments and optimization. So I think it's important that our graduates realize that just because this is true does not mean that this will do anything useful. Thanks to our friends at Update: hmmm, maybe Coach Chizik is on to something...
    2nd Update: or maybe not...

    More Cause and Effect Here's a couple of pictures showing what happens if you take one of my lecture courses.


The contents of this site were last changed in January of 2022