·         M.S. Thesis:  Jackson Cho

·         M.S. Thesis: Alex Edwards

·         Ph.D. Dissertation: John Isaac

·         Ph.D. Dissertation: Azeez Adebayo



·         Ph.D. Dissertation: ‘Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crack Initiation and Growth in Soda-lime Glass: Full-field Optical Investigations,’ S. Dondeti, Fall 2022.

·         Ph.D. Dissertation: Fracture of Brittle Materials and Bimaterial Interfaces in the Presence of Compressive Stresses,’ A.T. Owens, Fall 2022.

·         Ph.D. Dissertation: ‘Why Growing Cracks Branch? An Optical Investigation of Brittle Monolithic and Bilayer Transparencies under Stress Wave Loading,’ B. M. Sundaram, Spring 2017.

·         Ph.D. Dissertation: ‘Synthesis, Processing and Dynamic Fracture Behavior of Particulate Epoxy Composites with Conventional and Hierarchical Micro-/Nano-Fillers,’ V. Kushvaha, Fall 2016.

·         Ph.D. Dissertation: ‘High Strain Rate Elastic and Fracture Characterization of Isotropic and Orthotropic Materials with and without Nano Fillers,’ R. W. Bedsole, Summer 2015.

·         Ph.D. Dissertation: ‘Fracture Behavior of Particulate Polymer Composites and Interpenetrating Polymer Networks: Study of Filler Size, Filler Stiffness and Loading Rate Effects,’ K. C. Jajam, Summer 2013. (received 2014 Auburn University Graduate School Distinguished Dissertation Award in Mathematics/Physical Sciences/Engineering)

·         Ph.D. Dissertation: ‘Digital Gradient Sensing: A full-field optical technique to measure angular deflections of light rays and its application to failure mechanics,’ C. Periasamy, Summer, 2012.

·         Ph.D. Dissertation: 'A study of mixed-mode dynamic fracture in advanced particulate composites by optical interferometry, digital image correlation and finite element methods', M. S. Kirugulige, Summer 2007 (received Sigma-Xi Honor Society’s Carolyn-Carr Award for Best Doctoral Dissertation).

·         Ph.D. Dissertation: 'Microstructural Effects on Fracture Behavior of Particulate Composites: Investigation of Toughening Mechanisms using Optical and Boundary Element Methods', R. Kitey, Summer 2006 (received Sigma-Xi Honor Society’s Carolyn-Carr Award for Best Doctoral Dissertation).

·         Ph.D. Dissertation: ‘Dynamic Fracture Behavior of Homogeneous and Functionally Graded Syntactic Foams’, M.A. El-Hadek, Spring 2003.

·         Ph.D. Dissertation: ‘Evaluation of Crack Tip Fields and Fracture Parameters in Functionally Graded Materials’, C.-E. Rousseau, Fall 2000.

·         Ph.D. Dissertation: ‘Fracture Behavior of Functionally Graded Materials’, P. R. Marur, Summer, 1999.

·         Ph.D. Dissertation: ‘Study of interfacial crack tip 3-D effects using visible and infrared interferometric sensors’, J. K. Sinha, Summer, 1997 (received Sigma-Xi Honor Society’s Carolyn-Carr Award for Best Doctoral Dissertation).

·         Ph.D. Dissertation: ‘Investigation of interfacial crack tip fields and fracture toughness under quasi-static and dynamic loading conditions’, L. Xu, Spring, 1996.



·         M.S. Thesis: Processing and Opto-Mechanical Characterization of Transparent Glass-Filled Epoxy Particulate Composites,’ A. Branch, Spring 2020.

·         M.S. Thesis: ‘Mechanical and Optical Characterization of a Tissue Surrogate Polymer Gel,’ R. K. A. Pasumarthy, Summer 20116.

·         M.S. Thesis: ‘Extension of Reflection-Mode DGS to Plate Impact, Damage Detection, Dynamic Fracture Studies,’ A. S. Jain, Spring 2015.

·         M.S. Thesis: ‘Numerical Modeling of Random 2D and 3D Structural Foams Using Voronoi Diagrams: A Study of Cell Regularity and Compression Response,’ O. E. Sotomayor, Summer 2013.

·         M.S. Thesis: ‘Experimental investigation of syntactic foam core sandwiches: Effect of graded face sheet and interpenetrating phase composite foam core,’ A. Craven, Spring 2011.

·         M.S. Thesis: ‘A split-Hopkinson bar apparatus for high-strain rate testing of interpenetrating phase composites (IPC): Measurements and Modeling, Spring 2010.

·         M.S. Thesis: ‘Compression response and modeling of interpenetrating phase composites and foam-filled honeycombs’, R. Jhaver, Summer 2009.

·         M.S. Thesis: 'Development of a split-Hopkinson Tension Bar Testing Stress-Strain Response of Particulate Composites at Elevated Rates of Loading' A. T. Owens, Summer, 2007.

·         M.S. Thesis: 'A Study of Crack-Inclusion Interaction using Moire Interferometry and Finite Element Analysis', P. C. Savalia, Fall 2006.

·         M.S. Thesis: 'Role of crack tip biaxiality parameter on fracture toughness of materials: Development of a new technqiue', M. J. Maleski, Summer 2003.

·         M.S. Thesis: 'Characteristics of braided composites for truck chassis frame', H. Orak, 2001 (co-Advisor).

·         M.S. Thesis: ‘Estimation of fracture parameters in solder-copper joints using moire interferometry’, H. Krishnamoorthy, Winter, 1997.

·         M.S. Thesis: ‘An interferometric study of interface fracture in bimaterials subjected to thermo-mechanical loading’, P. Ganeshan,  Fall, 1994.

·         M.S. Thesis: ‘An investigation of mixed-mode fracture in homogeneous and bimaterial solids’, S. Ramaswamy, Fall, 1992.