·         Army Research Office, ‘Mechanics of Dynamic Fracture and Damage Evolution in Glasses and Ceramics’ PI-PD, 2022-2025.


·         National Science Foundation, ‘Material Processing and Mechanical Behavior of High-Performance Cellulose Nanopaper made from Cellulose Nanofibrils,’ PI-PD, 2021-2024.


·         Federal Aviation Administration, ‘The Effect of Machine and Machine-to-Machine Variability on Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V,’ co-PI, 2020-2022.





1.    Army Research Office, ‘Dynamic Failure Mechanics of Layered Architectures using Novel Full-Field Optical Methods,’ PI/PD, 2016-2019.

2.    Army Research Office (DURIP), ‘Non-Contact Optical Metrology Instrumentation for Failure Characterization of Transparent Armor Materials,’ PI/PD, 2015-2017.

3.     ‘Incoherent LED Pulse Laser for High-Speed Imaging and Optical Metrology,’ ARO, PI-PD, 2015-2016.

4.    Residual Property Prediction for Damaged Composite Structures,’ GERT; DOD-SBIR Phase II, PI, 2014-2016.

  1. ‘Molecular interpenetrated polymer composites (MIPC) for high strain-rate applications: Development and characterization of novel lightweight transparent materials,’ ARO, PI-PD, 2012-2015.
  2. ‘Development of a full-field digital gradient sensor for failure characterization of transparent structural materials,’ NSF, PI-PD, 2012-2015.
  3. ‘Novel lightweight syntactic foams made of nanoengineered microballoons: Synthesis, processing and characterization,’ NSF, PI-PD, 2011-2014.
  4.  ‘Development of prepreg and out-of-autoclave process for z-aligned carbon nanofiber toughened lightweight composites, NASA, co-PI, 2010-2013.
  5.  ‘Processing and dynamic failure characterization of novel impact absorbing transparent interpenetrating polymer network’, DTRA, PI-PD, 2009-2013.
  6. ‘Processing, failure characterization and modeling of lightweight interpenetrating network composites’, Army Research Office, PI-PD, 2008-2011.
  7. 'Investigation of Strain Rate Effects on Crack Growth in Graphite/Epoxy Composites' NASA, 2006-2011.
  8. ‘Interaction between growing cracks and inclusion: Toughening mechanisms in heterogeneous materials’, National Science Foundation, PI-PD, 2007-2010.
  9. 'High Strain Rate Fracture of Heterogeneous Materials, Army Research Office, PI-PD, 2004-2008.
  10. 'Fracture of Polymeric Heterogeneous Materials with Micro-Fillers ', National Science Foundation, PI-PD, 2005-2006.
  11. 'Static and Dynamic Failure Characterization of Composites' NASA, 2004-2005.
  12. 'High Speed Imaging Equipment for Studying Dynamic Behavior of Functionally Graded Heterogeneous Materials', Army Research Office, PI-PD, 2002-2003. 
  13. 'Influence of Compositional Gradients on the Dynamic Failure of Functionally Graded Materials', Army Research Office, PI-PD, 2001-2004. 
  14. ‘Investigation of Elasto-Plastic Interfacial Crack Tip Fields Using Infrared Interferometry’, National Science Foundation, PI-PD, 2000- 2003. 
  15. 'Instrumented Impact Testor for Studying Dynamic Fracture Behavior of Heterogeneous Materials', Army Research Office, PI-PD, 2001-2002.
  16. ‘An infrared CGS for failure characterization of functionally graded materials’, Instrumentation Grant, PI-PD, Army Research Office, 1998-2000.
  17. ‘Crack tip field mapping and failure characterization of functionally graded compositions’, PI-PD, Army Research Office, 1997-2000.
  18. ‘Functionally graded materials characterization using optical techniques’, PI-PD, National Science Foundation 1996-2000.
  19. ‘Joining and interfacial study of refractory alloy single crystals for high temperature applications’ co-PI, (PI: Ralph Zee, co-PI: Bill Gale), Air Force Office of Scientific Research, 1997-2000.
  20. ‘Interfacial crack initiation under thermal-mechanical loading’, PI-PD, National Science Foundation, 1994-1997.
  21. ‘Experimental simulation of crack initiation at bimaterial interfaces’, PI,-PD, National Science Foundation, 1991-1993.
  22.  University Research Instrumentation Program Grant, co-investigator, (PI: R.C. Jaeger,), National Science Foundation 1995-1997.